8/4/06 - Anchor Replacement Project
The following anchors have been replaced:
"Prirates" (lower, bare)
"Bridge of the Gods" (lower, bare)
And that about wraps up the bulk of the Anchor Replacement Broject beyond a few odd / outlying stragglers, swapping remaining bright hangers for camo'd ones, and swapping earlier powerbolts for SS/316 bolts which will be on the agenda for late fall.
Adopt a South face column route!!!
Next up will be an effort to clean the South face column routes. In between "Bluebird" at one end to "Blood, Sweat, and Smears" on the other there are a lot of just great routes (free, aid, and yet to be freed) folks might want to consider getting on. If you have any interest in climbing any of these routes please size them up and adopt one for cleaning purposes. We have a tool suite available for cleaning I'll be going after the shrubs in "Takes Fists" and the trees in "Flying Circus".